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Es un procedimiento para corregir múltiples deformidades auriculares. La más frecuente se enfoca en las orejas en pantalla, caracterizada por un aumento en el ángulo entre la oreja y el cuero cabelludo. Usualmente esta cirugía de oreja requiere incisiones en la parte posterior de la oreja aunque se pueden hacer incisiones o abordajes en la parte anterior. Esto permite la exposición del cartílago auricular para su modificación con incisiones de relajación y/o colocación de puntos de fijación. Esta cirugía se puede hacer con anestesia local O general durando la cirugía entre 2 a 4 horas.
In the first consultation, Dr. Rafael Perez will analyze how much of the ears are involved, there are three components to observe, the size of the concha, the definition of the curves of the ear and the position of the pinna with respect to the head, depending on the findings. You must inform your Plastic Surgeon about the use of medications, as well as about diseases, facial traumas or previous facial surgeries that may influence the procedure. If you are hypertensive (a) is possible to operate as long as it is controlled. If you have bad scarring, have any other disease, smoke, consume drugs such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin E, corticosteroids or have spontaneous or prolonged bleeding tell your plastic surgeon. All drugs that increase bleeding such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin E, omega 3, ginkgo biloba and other naturopathic medications should be discontinued.
Usually, you will come out of surgery with a bandage that completely covers both ears, which will be removed by the doctor after 48 to 72 hours, and you will have to wear a brace for fifteen days more because the ear will tend to recover its position.
«When I consulted Dr. Rafael Perez I felt very calm in the way he describes the surgical procedure, at first a little nervous but nothing I decided to do it, of course after the surgery I felt I was going to look like a monster but the result was great. I definitely recommend Dr. Rafael Perez as an excellent plastic surgeon.»
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